Hurt at Work?
El Abogado de la Gente
At De Long Law Office we are dedicated to protecting the rights of injured workers. Mr. De Long has over 20 years of experience handling workplace injury cases. At De Long Law Office we believe that every injured worker is entitled to the best legal representation available. We know the frustration and stress that accompanies a work injury and a claim with the Department of Labor and Industries or a self-insured employer and we do our absolute best to bear that burden for you so that you may focus on your recovery.
At De Long Law Office we offer a level of personal service unrivaled in the Yakima Valley. Every new client intake interview is conducted by Mr. De Long directly, rather than by an assistant. Over 90% of vocational meetings are conducted by Mr. De Long rather than by an assistant. In addition, Mr. De Long speaks Spanish and so every client is guaranteed this level of personal contact.
We stand ready to assist you. For a free one-hour consultation please contact us.
Protecting injured workers in the Yakima Valley since 2000
Since 2000, Mr. De Long has focused exclusively on representing disabled individuals and on protecting the rights of injured workers in the Yakima Valley and across Washington State at all phases of workers’ compensation and Social Security claims. Mr. De Long has successfully represented thousands of injured workers in the state of Washington.
Mr. De Long graduated Magma Cum Laude from Central Washington University in 1997 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Early Childhood Education. He is a 2000 graduate of the University of Washington School of Law.
Mr. De Long is active in the community, having co-founded and served as president of the Downtown Association of Yakima. Prior to that he was a long time Executive Board member of the Committee for Downtown Yakima. He has also served on the Executive Boards for the former Yakima Farmers’ Market and the current Downtown Yakima Farmers’ Market.
Focus of Our Work
Workplace Injury
A work-related medical condition, whether caused by a sudden injury, repetitive motion or other factors, can have significant effects on your life and the lives of your family members. It can affect not only your physical and mental health, but your financial health as well. At De Long Law office, we have over 20 years’ experience in navigating the complicated maze of laws, regulations and court cases that govern your benefits, rights and responsibilities when you are hurt on the job.
We will work hard on your behalf to ensure that you receive all the benefits available to you, including time-loss or loss of earning power benefits if you can’t work as before, retraining if necessary to get you back to work, and any and all necessary medical treatment for conditions related to your work injury. Call us today at 509-248-9991.
Social Security
If you have been off work, or will be off work for a year or more due to medical conditions, you may qualify for Social Security Disability. Unfortunately, the application process can be a bureaucratic nightmare of confusing standards, deadlines and appeals. At De Long Law Office, we’ve been successfully navigating the complicated application and appeal process for over 20 years. We can manage your claim from your first denial through final resolution and maximize your chances of successfully appealing.

Workplace Injury
Anybody who’s ever been hurt on the job knows what a long, frustrating experience it can be to deal with the Department of Labor and Industries or a self-insured employer. Benefits are delayed. Medical procedures are denied. Claim allowance can take months. At De Long Law Office, we can help you get the benefits you are entitled to:
- Total temporary disability (time loss) benefits, if you’re unable to work because of your injury or occupational disease
- Loss of earning power benefits (LEP), if you are unable to return to work at the same rate of pay after your injury.
- Medical procedures, tests, and other treatment for conditions related to your work.
- Vocational retraining to assist you in returning to work.
- Permanent partial disability (PPD) awards for permanent impairment you’ve suffered as a result of your industrial injury or occupational disease.
- Total permanent disability benefits (Pension), if you are permanently unable to return to any kind of work after your injury.

Social Security
If, due to an injury or medical condition, you are unable to work for a year, or will be unable to work for a year, you may be entitled to Social Security benefits.
There are two types of Social Security benefits available to the disabled:
Social Security Disability (also called SSD or Title II benefits)
If you’ve worked 20 out of the last 30 quarters (5 out of the last 10 years) and are disabled, you may qualify for SSD benefits.
Supplemental Security Income (also called SSI or Title XVI benefits)
If you are disabled and low income, you may qualify for SSI benefits regardless of whether you’ve worked.
Worker’s Compensation and Social Security
In some instances, you may be eligible for Social Security benefits at the same time you’re receiving benefits for a workplace injury.
Applying for Social Security benefits can be a long, frustrating process; but it’s important that you don’t give up too early. About half of the people who apply are denied the first time, and only about 3% win on reconsideration. However, about 75% of people win at the third step, at hearings before an Administrative Law Judge.
At De Long Law Office, we will guide you through this confusing and frustrating process and help you build your best case. We will be here to help you with the mountains of paperwork, making sure that it is filled out correctly to avoid unnecessary delays in your claim. We will help you gather the records and opinions that support your case and prepare you before your hearing so that you are ready to tell your story to the judge.
Contact DeLong Law Office
El Abogado De La Gente
En la oficina de De Long Law estamos dedicados en proteger los derechos de trabajadores lesionados. El Sr. De Long tiene más de 20 años de experiencia manejando casos de lesiones de trabajo y sabemos que es complicado navegar con leyes, reglas y casos de corte que gobiernan sus beneficios, derechos y responsabilidades cuando es lesionado en su trabajo. Trabajaremos duro de nuestra parte para asegurar que usted reciba cada uno de sus beneficios que ay disponible para usted incluyendo tiempo perdido o perdida de ganancias si usted no puede trabajar como antes, quizás entrenamiento si es necesario y cualquier tratamiento necesario por sus condiciones relacionados a su lesión de trabajo.
En la oficina de De Long Law creemos que cada persona lesionada merece lo mejor disponible en representación legal. Sabemos la frustración y el estrés que acompaña una lesión de trabajo y un reclamo con el Departamento de Labor e Industrias o el empleador asegurado y hacemos lo mejor en tomar la carga para usted para que usted se enfoque en su recuperación. Una condición médica causada de lesión de trabajo, ya sea por alguna lesión que fue de repente, mociones repetidas, o alguna otra razón, puede traer efectos significantes a su vida y las vidas de sus miembros de familia. Puede afectar no solamente su físico y salud mental pero también su salud financiera.
En la oficina de De Long Law ofrecemos un nivel de servicio personal inigualado en el valle de Yakima con el abogado de la gente. Cada nuevo cliente es entrevistado directamente con el abogado De Long en vez de un asistente. Más del 90% de juntas vocacionales son conducidas con el Sr. De Long en vez de con
un asistente. Adicionalmente, el Sr. De Long habla español así que cada cliente es garantizado este nivel de contacto personal.
Estamos listos para asistirle. Para una consulta gratis de 1 hora por favor llame al 509-248-9991 o por correo electrónico a
Protegiendo a las trabajadoras lesionadas en el valle de Yakima desde 2000
Desde el 2000, el Sr. De Long, el abogado de la gente, se ha enfocado exclusivamente en representar individuales incapacitados y en proteger los derechos de trabajadores lesionados en el valle de Yakima en cada fase de compensación de trabajadores y reclamos de Seguro Social. El Sr. De Long exitosamente representado miles de trabajadores lesionados en el estado de Washington. El Sr. De Long se grado Magma Cum Laude de la Universidad de Central Washington en el 1997 con Licenciatura en Educación Infantil. Es graduado en el 2000 De la Universidad de Washington en Leyes.
El Sr. De Long ha logrado representar a miles de trabajadores lesionados en Washington en los últimos 20 años, asegurando millones de dólares en beneficios. Muchos de referencias son de clientes actuales y anteriores, otros abogados y médicos profesionales.
El Sr. De Long es activo en la comunidad, fue co-fundador y presidente de la Asociación del Centro de Yakima. Antes por un largo plazo fue miembro Ejecutivo del Consejo del Comité para El Centro de Yakima. También ha servido en el Consejo Ejecutivo del previo Mercado de Agricultores y el corriente Centro de Yakima Mercado de Agricultores.